Inspire Science and Tech Publisher is emerging in scholarly Open Access Publishing and academia. Inspire Science and Tech Publisher has the mission to foster open scientific exchange in all forms, across all disciplines.
Welcome to Inspire Science and Tech Publisher
Inspire Science and Tech Publisher provides an effective and efficient publishing platform to researchers and experts in their corresponding areas of interest for contributing their invaluable scientific knowledge and novel research. It also encourages the researchers to publish and exchange knowledge in a safe environment and helps in showcasing their talent on a global scale. Inspire Science and Tech Publisher is an emerging publisher that offers peer-reviewed research journals in a variety of academic fields.
Pakistan Journal of Genetics and Genomics
The Pakistan Journal of Genetics and Genomics (PJGG is an international journal publishing peer-reviewed articles of novel and significant discoveries in the fields of genetics and genomics.
Acta Scientia Plantarum
Acta Scientia Plantarum (ASP) is a leading and rigorously peer-reviewed journal of Pakistan that seeks to advance our understanding of plant sciences. ASP is an open-access journal in the frontline of disseminating and communicating scientific knowledge and impactful discoveries to researchers, academics, policymakers, and the public worldwide.